A beautiful theme

Isn't WordPress cool?


Cool eh!

Giving you rotating images in the header with links


A Header Slideshow

And link to anywhere from the image...

Civic Involvement




Radio ministry

Our Sunday worship services are broadcast live at 10am on 1240 WATN AM radio. Copies of the church bulletin are mailed to shut-ins so they may follow along. If you would like to receive the bulletin, please contact the church office. The broadcast is also recorded, and copies are distributed upon request. In November, 2006 this ministry celebrated 65 years of continuous radio broadcasts, sharing the Word and music with our shut-ins and the community.

Our services are also broadcast via the internet live at 10am on Sunday mornings. Please see our sermons page for the live stream link, a copy of the current church bulletin, recordings of past services and the text of many sermons.