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Civic Involvement





There are a variety of special events that take place during the summer months when regular Sunday School and Bible Studies are not held.

Sunday School in Summer
The final Sunday for regular Sunday School classes is June 28th. Children in grades K-4 are welcome to attend our summer Sunday school activity held in Room 14 during July and August. A different lesson and activity will be given each week, but the program is designed in such a way that it won’t matter if your child misses some weeks.

Summer 2009 Vacation Bible School
Our VBS program was from July 20 – 24, 2009. The curriculum was “Boomerang Express”. Children ages 5-10 enjoyed a Bible lesson, crafts, gym games and a snack during the morning. They presented a song they learned during worship service on July 26. This year’s coordinator was Donna Dunkle and the art director was Jodi Brickson. They both did a fantastic job!

Senior High Mission Trip

The senior high youth group traveled to New Orleans in July 2009 to rebuild a house in the Lower Ninth Ward damaged by Hurricane Katrina. For a summary of this trip, please see our mission team blog.

Local Mission Project

This summer we participated in a local mission project in St. Lawrence County. We spent 4 days in August rehabbing a farmhouse for a family whose mother has a significant disability. To read of further details of this trip, please see our mission team blog. This was a good introduction to mission for our younger teens.

Summer Camping Opportunities
Presbyterian Youth Conference at Silver Bay on beautiful Lake George from July 8-13 for youth entering grades 9-12. Visit their website at silverbaypyc.org.
Beaver Camp located southeast of Lowville is a Mennonite-based camp offering an array of resident and wilderness camping opportunities. Visit them at beavercamp.org.