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Civic Involvement





It is important to instill Christian values in children from an early age. Our Christian Education ministry here at First Presbyterian Church offers classes for children from Kindergarten (age 5) through Grade 6 during the 10am hour. Children begin in church with their families, and are called forward for a children’s message. They then are dismissed to their classrooms for the remainder of the hour. They will be following the “Hands On Bible” curriculum from Group Publishing during the school year. On Communion Sundays, the children and their teachers are invited to remain in worship to partake in Communion with the rest of the congregation. Younger children are invited to our fully staffed nursery on these Sundays.

  • Grades K – 2 (upstairs Room 22) teachers Nancy Kall, Niki Krenzel, Donna Dunkle
  • Grades 3 & 4 (upstairs Room 24) teachers Bob Gorman, Jack Donato
  • Grades 5 & 6 (upstairs Room 20) teachers Michele Elmer, Ann Sudduth

Substitute teachers and assistants
Marcia Kettrick

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