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Civic Involvement





Educating adults in the Christian faith today presents challenges. Our busy lives, the activities of our children, the travel opportunities of seniors make it hard to find one solution that fits all. Our goal is to provide a variety of opportunities and allow each person to find what fits them best.

Wednesday morning Bible study meets at 9:30am with Rev. Gail Parsons in Room 10, starting September 9. Current study is Joshua, A Journey of Faith. Study guides are available for $6 from the church office.
Mother’s Group meets 10am-noon Thursdays in the upstairs lounge, starting September 10. Free childcare is provided in the nursery.
Adult Bible Study meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7pm in the home of a member. The topic for the fall beginning on September 21 is the Book of Romans
Bible Study of the Book of Job will be held for 5 weeks beginning on Thursday, October 22 at 10:30am in the chapel. This topic will expand upon the sermon series being preached by Rev. Garry.
Movie nights are held monthly on Saturday nights with discussion the following Sunday morning. Our fall dates will be September 25, October 17, and November 21.
Adult topics are held after Fellowship hour on some Sundays (as noted in the bulletin).
Lenten Study series Potluck dinners and programs held on 4 successive Sunday evenings during Lent.