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Civic Involvement




Christian education

Christian Education is a vital part of our ministry here at First Presbyterian Church. Whether you are young or old, new to the church or a long-time member, Christian Education is an important part of our faith journey. Our goal is to learn and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Together we share our common experiences, striving to be faithful and committed to a Christ-like way of life. We are engaged as a community of Christ, informed by the Scriptures, dedicated to prayer and open to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday schedule
The coffee pot is on!

Fully staffed nursery opens at 9:00 for children to age 4
Chancel choir rehearsal – sanctuary
Handbells, grades 3-4, 9:30

Worship service in the sanctuary
Sunday School Classes
(children dismissed following children’s time in worship)

Fellowship Hour
Youth Handbells, grades 5 and up, 11:15
Cherub vocal choir, grades K-4, 11:15
Youth Vocal choir, grades 5 and up, 11:45
Adult Christian Ed topics (schedule varies) Room 10

Confirmation class, led by Rev. Garry
(meets 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month)
Mid High Youth Group
(meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month)
Senior High Youth Group

Other schedules
Bible study Wednesday 9:30am
Mother’s Group Thursday 10am-noon
Bible study Mondays 7pm
Movie Nights Saturday evenings
Lenten Study series Sunday evenings