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Civic Involvement





The youth of today are under tremendous pressure from the secular world. It is important to offer Christian solutions to the challenges they face. Our Christian Education ministry here at First Presbyterian Church offers confirmation classes for youth in grades 7-9 in alternating years. Mid-high and senior-high youth groups also meet and offer fun activities, opportunities for service to the community, and learning experiences.

Confirmation class, grades 7-9, will continue in the fall of 2009. The class is taught by Rev. Dr. Garry and meets on Sundays at 5pm on weeks 2 and 4 of each month.

Senior High Youth Group for grades 9-12 meets at 6:30pm on Sunday each week starting October 4th, led by Eric Kendrew, Rev. Al Elmer and Kim Collins. This group participates in an annual national or international mission trip.
Mid high youth group for grades 7-8 meets on Sunday at 6:30pm on weeks 1, 3 and 5 of each month starting October 4th, led by Jack Donato and Michele Bariteau.