Our committees
The work of the church is accomplished through its committees. The Presbyterian Church firmly believes that the ministers of the church are all of its members. Church officers lead the committees, but all interested persons in the church may serve.
ELDERS are chosen by the people. Together with the ministers of the Word and Sacrament, they exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of the church, including ecumenical relationships. Clerk of Session: John Sudduth
DEACONS minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. Moderator: Chris Wells
Committees chaired by the elders are the following:
Christian Education Committee: Responsible for spiritual growth and renewal through Bible based learning and discussion for all ages. Oversight of youth ministry. Chair: Kim Collins
Facilities Committee: Responsible for maintenance of buildings and grounds. Co-Chairs: David Knowlton
Finance Committee: Responsible for church finances including endowment. Chair: Marsha Deming
Membership and Nominating Council: Responsible for nominating church officers and providing both fellowship and understanding of the covenant church life to our members. Chair: Don Klug
Mission Committee: Co-ordinates church mission trips for youth and adults. Determines the direction of our mission projects. Chair: Jonathan White
Outreach Council: Responsible for allocating endowment funds locally, nationally and globally; and interpreting the mission of the church to the congregation. Chair: Bill Barden
Personnel Council: Responsible for providing support and evaluation for the church staff and for hiring of support staff. Chair: Linya Bell
Stewardship Council: Responsible for the Stewardship Campaign and four special offerings; One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking and Christmas Joy Offering. Chair: Mike Gillette
Worship and Music Council: Responsible for overseeing and supporting the worship and music programs, including bell choirs, adult and youth choirs. Chair: Martha Brown
Committees chaired by deacons are the following:
Care Committee: Responsible for maintaining contact with shut-ins. Chair: Mary Sanford
Fellowship Committee: Responsible for Sunday fellowship time, church picnic and pot luck suppers. Chair: Pam Knowlton
Benevolences: Responsible for assessing ways the church can provide financial assistance to individuals in need. Chair: Robert Brown